Enhanced Services

Enhanced Services Contract Reporting Options
Contract Reporting Options
Integrated Audit & Reporting for Enhanced Services
EScro is the sole integrated solution for the current requirements for Enhanced Services reporting within NHS Scotland.
EScro modules include Alcohol Brief Intervention, Depression, Diabetes, Drug Misuse and Near Patient Testing.

EScro News ...
 This page was last updated on: February 20, 2009

NHS Lothian    - October 20th, 2008

Albasoft are pleased to announce that NHS Lothian have adopted EScro as their Management System for Enhanced Services payments to Lothian practices.

NHS Highland -  SV Tool on-demand reporting
     - May 9th, 2008

SV Tool now has the capability for running ad-hoc reports at the end of the month, as part of your normal submission process.
This allows agencies such as Public Health to collect statistical information seamlessly, without placing an administration burden on the practice.

NHS Highland -  COPD      - May 9th, 2008

The screens are now nearing completion, and any practices wishing to participate in a pilot, please contact the Help Desk on (01463) 255921 - estimated release June 2008.

NHS Highland - Vision API      - May 9th, 2008

Development of Data Entry screens using the Vision API is now under way. This will provide additional summary information specific to the Enhanced Services.

NHS Forth Valley    - May 9th, 2008

Albasoft are pleased to announce that NHS Forth Valley have adopted EScro as their Management System for Enhanced Services payments to Forth Valley practices. In addition to the standard EScro modules, we are currently developing a custom module for Falls Prevention.

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